I used to laugh whenever friends would go on and on about disc golf and how much fun it was. I thought it was a little strange, and since I don't really think ball golf is all that fun, I was mystified by their excitement.
But today all that changed. I played my first round of disc golf, and I... am... hooked! Jason and I went to Tom Brown Park today just to walk around, but once we arrived we saw the disc golf course and remembered that we had a Frisbee in the trunk. We played all 18 holes, and man was it fun, in spite of the fact that our Frisbee was pretty flimsy and thus hard to get into the basket. I posted a disc request to Freecycle once we got home, and I got a reply. So hopefully the next time we head out to the course we'll have some real discs to use.
Anyway, that was our fun for the day. Disc golf... it's a whole new world.
Write Turn
10 years ago