I had a great first week at work. One of the things that I heard a lot was that initially my greatest contribution to the team would be in the area of usability. It was very true. I spent most of my time getting up to speed on code structure which lead me to find errors in documentation and unclear error messages. Plus, I also got to take part in an organized usability test.
Since I walk to and from work, I had to dig my head lamp out of the camping gear and carry it with me each day. The street lights in town are rather sporadic and dim, so it's been helpful when I leave the work gym later in the evenings. I've really enjoyed all the walking since it gives me time to unwind and switch thought processes so I can relax once I get home.
The cats are getting used to the place, although they are still confused when they can hear the neighbors through the walls. They especially like all the space they have to run around.
I finally met one of our neighbors yesterday after running errands (and not getting lost). It appears that our neighborhood is going to be quite friendly... much better than being surrounded by loads of college students!
More updates later... have a great week!
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10 years ago