As you can see, my update involves using up the garden goodies. I've made a lot of pesto to use up our basil, and our tomatoes have been sauced for pizza. I'm still trying to decide if it's time to pick the sweet potatoes, onions, and jalapenos. More than likely I'll just leave everything alone until Jason gets home. I wouldn't want him to miss out on any gardening fun.
Which brings me to Jason's update. He called me this afternoon to say that he is 12 miles from the end of The Long Trail! He and his hiking buddy, Townes, will finish tomorrow, and then one of Townes's roommates will pick them up and take them back to Burlington, VT. Tuesday Jason plans to hang out in Burlington and do some laundry so that he doesn't completely gross out the other bus passengers when he takes the Greyhound home. He's planning to be home sometime this Wednesday, and I can't wait! Townes has been taking lots of pictures, so I'll post a link to those when I get it.
Have a great week!