Better late than never, right? Here are some photos of our Christmas wreath from this year. We decided to do a wreath instead of a tree because we were late decorating this year, and finding room for a large tree requires us to rearrange a lot of furniture.
We had a great time spending Christmas on the Cape at an amazing bed and breakfast in Barnstable --
Ashley Manor. It was a really sweet place with great food and service, and we stayed in the Ashley room which afforded us a private entrance. We split the weekend between walking on the (cold, windy ) beach in Dennis and curling up in front of a roaring fire watching old movies. It was a pretty pleasant trip.
As usual we had an unplanned adventure. We had some great conversation while having breakfast on our first morning (Christmas Day) with our fellow guests. One of the couples had driven up from NYC to spend Christmas with family who lived on the Cape in South Yarmouth. As breakfast wound down, they asked us to join them later that day for Christmas dinner with their family. We didn't really have any plans for the day, so we took them up on their generous offer. We had a great time chatting, eating amazing food, and playing games. I don't think I'll ever forget their hospitality.