on this goal of mine to keep this blog updated. Today was a really good day, although I am currently beastly tired. My tiredness is primarily due to the fact that I haven't been to the gym in a week, but it is rather comfy right now to be sitting in the almost-dark under a fuzzy blanket typing away while watching Osborne play video games. Tiredness fits this setting well.
But... about my good day. I've at least used my time away from the gym to get some good coding done. I've been really productive with my transient flow simulation in the past couple of days. I am only nervous about the performance of the initial condition generation function, but I'll test that tomorrow and then keep plugging away. Very exciting! :-)
Tomorrow I also really need to look into making a schedule and sticking to it. At work I am responsible for three projects which are entirely disjoint and require diverse skill sets. I find that without a schedule that says, for example, that Monday AM is dedicated to Project A while Monday PM is for focusing on Project B, I get sidetracked on one project only. While I do get things done with my current method, I find that I haven't made progress (however minute) in all areas. This skill will be good for me to master, especially if I ever have the chance to work at one of the national labs again. Fastidious multi-tasking is a necessity in that environment when you have to charge certain project task numbers for a fixed percentage of your total work time.
We just went outside in our pajamas to look at the current state of the lunar eclipse. The moon is now approximately 80%-20% made of mud and blue cheese. It's pretty neat. And we saw Saturn and Regulus too, as promised, although I can't pretend that I was able to differentiate between the two with my naked eye.
Write Turn
10 years ago
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