- We are sick. Jason no doubt caught this cold from one of his generous students, and he ended up passing it along to me when he was tired of it. I am at the fun stage where I oscillate between feeling really hungry and like I really want to throw up. Good times. Hopefully we kick this soon because...
- I was finally contacted by the relocation team, and we are hoping to go on our house-hunting trip next weekend. I have been looking for places to rent on Craigslist and compiling a geeky little Google Map summarizing my findings. It's been great fun. Hopefully our trip is successful... otherwise I will be living in temporary housing and finding a place on my own after I move.
- I am getting overwhelmed by the thought of moving our cats. In a million years I wouldn't wish on Jason the experience of driving for over a day on I-95 with two cats in the car, but I also can't picture Jebo treated like carry-on luggage squeezed in under the seat in front of me on an airplane.
- I am about to make some soup. Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
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10 years ago
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