Wow... it's been awhile since I have posted anything! I don't have very good internet access at home and I don't make it to the public library very often... hence the lack of updates. But things are going well. The walk to support the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center took place this past Sunday, and the weather was beautiful! Perfect walking weather. BARCC had set goals for both the number of walkers and the amount of money raised, and both goals were met and surpassed! Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Since the weather was so beautiful I also went for a walk with a coworker near my house, in the Natick Town Forest. It's a pretty nice place to wander, although the trails aren't really well marked. We got turned around a few times, but it was good to get out.
Hmmm... what else??? I am taking a beginning quilting class starting April 16... every Thursday night for 8 weeks I think. Over the weekend I went to the sewing shop and picked out my fabric. I'm really excited to learn something new and remember how to run a sewing machine. I haven't used one since high school, so it could be interesting...
Work is going really well. The company is starting a big construction project on site soon, and it could last for several years. The process is affecting on-site parking, and pretty soon people are going to have to park across town and ride shuttles to work. The fact that I don't have to worry about that is another reason I am glad that I can walk every day.
I'm in the middle of an interesting book called "See you in a hundred years" by Logan Ward. It's about a family that decides to leave their NYC life to live in rural Virginia for a year as 1900s farmers. They surround themselves with period items on a day-to-day basis, and grow their own food.
In other news, I have booked my flight home to PA for Lauren's graduation (and Steven's birthday) in June! I am looking forward to spending time with everyone... hopefully five days will be long enough!
Write Turn
10 years ago
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