So, I mentioned previously about how were were slightly idiotic for wanting to travel north for spring break. Mother Nature apparently agreed with us. Friday night we drove to Jacksonville, and stayed overnight near the airport. We dropped our car at the park and ride, got to the airport... and found out that our flight to Atlanta was delayed by at least four hours, our flight from Atlanta to Buffalo was already canceled. We ended up getting a new flight from Atlanta into Pittsburgh, and went through security.
Once we made it to our gate and started thinking more clearly about the logistics, we realized that this trip was probably not going to be worth all the trouble it was going to be to make it to PA. Our flight into Pittsburgh was more than likely going to be canceled as well, and we were having issues with our reserved rental car. So in the end we decided it was best to cancel the trip altogether, and try to visit again later in the year.
Canceling our rental car was no trouble, and there wasn't even a cancellation fee thanks to the weather. Plus, during the four hours that we were at the airport I was pleasantly surprised by our good-natured fellow travelers. I have been in many an airport when weather related delays kick in, and sometimes it hasn't been pretty. But yesterday everyone was nice, calm, and helpful. People were even generous in sharing electrical outlets, which are more often than not in short supply.
Having said that, though, now is the time to share my major airport realization... Travelocity is pure evil. I usually only use Travelocity as my Google for travel. It helps me find the best deal, and then I buy directly from the airline that has it. However, this time it seemed that the best deal involved two separate airlines, so I thought it would be best to buy from Travelocity. Boy, was I WRONG! Basically all they were useful for was adding an extra layer of difficulty to the trip-canceling process. This what happened:
We told the Air Tran gate agent that we wanted to cancel our trip, and she told us that we would be able to do that for free and get all our money back. Great! But... whoops, we booked through Travelocity and received paper tickets (yeah, I didn't think anyone did that anymore...) so we can only get our money back in vouchers for an Air Tran flight in the next year. Since we never fly Air Tran I decided to call Travelocity and get my money back from them. Easy, right?
Not so much. After being on hold with Travelocity, they said that they had to call the airline to confirm our flight cancellation. Once they got back to me after another five minutes on hold, they said that we just had to go out to the main ticketing desk and have Air Tran give us a refund. Great. We leave the secured area, and walk out to the ticketing desk only to find that not only can the person there not help us without contacting his supervisor, but his supervisor was the woman we had been dealing with back at our gate! Awesome. Anyway, we finally find out that because we had paper tickets and hadn't used them at all, the airline didn't have any of our money to refund to us. We were stuck dealing with Travelocity, and Travelocity alone.
I got back on the phone with Travelocity (again, this means I was on hold with them), and of course my cell phone starts the "low battery" beep. I mentioned earlier about the ridiculously small number of electrical outlets that airports have in this heavily technological age. Well, let me tell you, I was rushing all over with my charger desperate for an open plug. I finally found one in the middle of a group of stranded travelers who were nice enough to let me sit in their midst and curse Travelocity.
In the interest of keeping this already long story from getting any longer we finally found out that if we mail our paper tickets to the Travelocity Consumer Relations Department we will get a full refund. It's never a good sign when you feel the need to get the name and employee number of the person you're dealing with, but I'm still hoping that it will all work out.
I should also mention that several good things happened yesterday. When we got back to our car, the lady let us leave without paying, plus she gave us two complimentary bottles of water (small victories...). Then we had a good meal at Jacksonville's P. F. Chang's, and I bought a laptop. That's right... I am currently typing this entry on my very own Mac laptop. No more borrowing Jason's (he is incredibly happy about this). I figured that I have been needing a new laptop for awhile now, and since Jacksonville is the closest Apple store to us, it was time.
So all's well that ends well. We spent this morning at a kayaking demo where I got to try a peddle kayak (you propel yourself forward by peddling like you would on a bike and you steer by moving the rudder switch with your left hand). I didn't really like it very much because you can only go forward, but it was a cool thing to try. Then we grilled out at a park by our house. So in spite of yesterday's travel woes, our spring break is off to a fine start. I will miss seeing my friends and family back in PA, but I'm sure going back during the summer will be even better. I may even get the chance to finally cross "Go on the Maid of the Mist" off my "To Do" list then.
Ok... I'm off to the movies. I hope you all had a great weekend, and I'll be sure to keep you updated on the Travelocity saga.
Write Turn
10 years ago
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