Perhaps "a long two weeks" would be a better statement, since I haven't posted in awhile.
I've spent this week pulling together a presentation for tomorrow and working on some code (for those interested in details, stabilized finite elements are back to haunt me). Hopefully this talk goes over well. I am speaking to the Karst aquifer research group on my thesis work. It's a pretty mixed audience (very theoretical mathematicians, very practical geologists, and hydrologists) so it could go either way.
But after it's over... I'm going home! Next week is Spring Break at FSU, so Jason has the whole week off. We decided just last week to be idiots and head north. Our particular level of idiocy can be described based on where we are flying in and out of... Buffalo... NY... yeah. It was our cheapest option at the last minute (go figure), and plus, we will get to see Niagara Falls. I haven't been in almost 10 years, and Jason has never gone there so it will be an adventure. We'll be there for just a day before driving down to my parents house in PA. I'm really excited to see my family after six months away. I've heard that Vincena will be able to read to me, so I'm stoked to be immersed in Dr. Seuss.
We are hoping that our one night in Buffalo will be our first Couchsurfing experience (at least our first time being the surfers rather than the hosts). If you don't know what Couchsurfing is, check it out in my list of favorite links. There seem to be plenty of folks in Buffalo willing to open their homes to travelers, it is just a matter of finding one excited for last minute company.
Well, tomorrow's an early day, so I should get to bed. Goodnight!
Write Turn
10 years ago
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